Fecal incontinence: what is it and how to treat it effectively?
Fecal incontinence is a problem that remains taboo and that affects millions of people across the world, having an impact on both […]
Fibrillar rupture in football players and its treatment with Capenergy
Muscle injuries in football players, especially fibrillar ruptures, are common and can significantly impact sports performance. One of the most frequent and […]
Speed up post-surgical rehabilitation with Capenergy
La rehabilitación postoperatoria es un proceso esencial que busca facilitar la recuperación tras una intervención quirúrgica, aliviando el dolor, mejorando la movilidad […]
Recovery of extreme sports injuries with Capenergy
Due to the combination of adrenaline and challenges they provide, extreme sports have gained popularity in the last couple of years. Nevertheless, […]
Efficiency of electromagnetic drainage
The connection between the immune system and lymphatic drainage is fundamental for our health. When we are unable to eliminate defect cells, […]
Post-mastectomy pain syndrome and its treatment with Capenergy
Post-mastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS) is a condition many women experience after breast surgery and it significantly impacts their life quality. This chronic […]