Transform your aesthetics treatments with Capenergy’s advanced technology
Transform your aesthetic treatments with Capenergy Aesthetics advance at giant leaps, and thus, at the same time, so do the tools professionals […]
Episiotomy, what is it and how to treat it efficiently?
Muchas mujeres que han sido madres saben lo que es una episiotomía y han experimentado, de una manera u otra, sus secuelas. […]
Capenergy: The best ally for getting one’s figure back
With the weather getting better and summer being around the corner, a lot of people start taking action to get their figure […]
Treating scars with 2nd generation radiofrequency
Scars are the visual evidence of the complex healing process and they can have a significant impact on the skin after surgical […]
How to correct abdominal diastasis with radiofrecuency
Abdominal diastasis is an injury that’s produced when the rectus abdominis muscle is separated from the abdomen, as a consequence of damage […]
TecarEvolution, the best and most effective anti-aging treatment
There are many reasons why your skin starts showing your age. Sun damage, stress and environmental toxins can contribute to the ageing […]