The fascia is casing of connective tissue that covers all body structures. It is a stringy fibrous membrane that’s wrapped around the muscles, viscera, vascular, lymphatic and nervous system, connecting all these systems to one another.
It acts as a support tissue that creates a continuous net from head to toes. As the body is subjected to different tractions, compressions, stretching and resistance, its structure modifies according to the tension load it has to endure.
Fascia and sports
All sports imply repeating the same identical movement over and over again or demand maintaining a specific position for a longer period of time. This means the same muscles are demanded upon every time which causes the nearby fascia to thicken and to become more resistant.
The ticker it gets, the less elastic it becomes and increased tightness implies restricted muscle movement.
If this repetitive action continues long term, the fascia alters its muscular traction axle creating tension in the muscle in order to adapt itself to the tension load.
This tension can modify the posture and correct positioning of the anatomic structures, giving way to future injuries.
Good technique is therefore very important to avoid sports injuries. Functional training and core activation will help prevent this kind of injuries.
If the core, the central part of the body, is stable, the athlete will have more strength from core to limbs, thusly avoiding injuries. Good activation and coordination between antagonists and synergists is vital.
Not only the muscles need to be trained, it is also important to have quality fascia, adapted to the demands of the practiced sport.
Functions of the fascia
According to thel National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) there are four types of fascias in our body:
- Superficial fascia. This is the most superficial and it is also called hypodermis. It connects the most profound part of the skin with the muscles. Nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels ramify in the hypodermis. Its function is to maintain a stable body temperature, with the help of the fat cells contained in its structure.
- Deep fascia. Known as the fascia of the muscles: it is wrapped around muscles, blood vessels, bones and nerves. It allows separating one muscle from another or separating muscle groups to avoid friction. Thanks to the viscosity of its structure, the fascia facilitates movement.
- Visceral fascia. It is wrapped around the organs and it is a very thick layer. The pleura that surrounds the lungs is an example of visceral fascia. The entire body is wrapped in fascias that help maintain the shape of the organs and that protect them. It is like a buffer that helps to absorb impacts and the pressure changes that these impacts can cause.
- Parietal fascia. These are the fascias that cover the cavity walls.
Ultimately, fascia are connective tissue structures that are essential to the correct functioning of our body’s muscles and organs.
It is made out of collagen, among other substances. Thanks to the production of this protein, the fascia facilitate wound healing and scarring. The nerve endings that are present in the fascial tissues allow communications on the state of a specific area of the organism. For instance, in case of alterations caused by a certain pathology.
In order to maintain the fascias healthy and in good shape, it is important to exercise. to eat well, to warm up before exercise, to stretch to relax the muscles and to be well hydrated.
How to take care of the fascia with TecarEvolution
Capenergy’s second generation tecar therapy plays a vital role in taking care of the fascia. It helps the muscles relax and it helps liberating tension.
It furthermore activates the generation of new collagen to create new quality fascia. It is a high level treatment, fundamental for our health and that of our fascias.
Would you like to know about Capenergy Tecar therapy and how it can help you take care of the fascias? Request a free demo!