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Why does Capenergy accelerate the recovery from sports injuries?

The recovery from sports injuries is one of the fundamental pillars of sports physiotherapy and sports medicine. In an environment where every minute counts, accelerating recovery times without compromising the quality of the process is a priority for both sportsmen and health professionals. This is where Capenergy’s radiofrequency technology becomes an indispensable tool.

Thanks to its capacity to activate the natural repair processes of the tissues, Capenergy does not only accelerate the recovery time, it furthermore optimizes muscular performance, preventing future injuries while offering the patient a comfortable and painless solution. This technological innovation has been designed to make the physiotherapists and specialists’ job easier, achieving visible results in less time. 

In this article, we explore how Capenergy radiofrequency is transforming the treatment of sports injuries. You will discover how this technology works, its main benefits and how it has become an essential tool for an athlete ‘s fast and efficient recovery. You will furthermore learn how its use can make a difference for your clinic, improving your customers’ results and satisfaction.

The current impact of sports injuries

Sports injuries are a constant reality in every athlete ‘s life, be it professional or amateur level. These injuries, mainly affecting muscles, tendons and articulations, do not only limit physical performance, they also have a significant impact on the athlete ‘s career and wellbeing

A prolonged recovery means weeks or even months away from training and competition, which does not only generate a physical setback, but also implies an emotional and professional challenge. For high performance athletes, this period of inactivity equals the loss of competitive opportunities, difficulties maintaining an optimal condition and the risk of relapses if the recovery isn’t carried out correctly.

Traditional solutions and their limitations

The current traditional treatment of sports injuries includes techniques such as: 


  • Rest and compression: to reduce the initial inflammation and avoid major damage.
  • Manual therapies: massages, stretching and lymphatic drainage.
  • Rehabilitation exercises: focused on the recovery of mobility and muscle strength.
  • Application of cold or heat: to alleviate pain and stimulate tissue repair. 
  • Use of anti-inflammatory medication (AINES):  though they do provide relief, it has been shown that a prolonged use of anti-inflammatory medication can slow down the process of tissue regeneration.
Las terapias manuales conllevan tiempos de recuperación más largos
Las terapias manuales conllevan tiempos de recuperación más largos

Even though these solutions can be useful, they do have important limitations, such as longer periods of recovery, variable efficiency depending on the injury and, sometimes also insufficient results for athletes who need to regain their performance level as fast as possible. 

The need for faster and more efficient solutions

In a context where sports performance is key, it is fundamental to dispose of advanced technologies to speed up recovery in a natural, safe and effective way. This is where Capenergy’s radiofrequency makes a difference, offering an innovative alternative optimizing recovery times, improving tissue regeneration and enabling the athlete to take up his activities sooner without compromising the quality of the process. 

Let ‘s see how Capenergy is transforming the treatment of sports injuries and why more and more professionals put their faith in this technology to offer their patients better results.

How does Capenergy’s technology act on sports injuries?

Capenergy ‘s radiofrequency technology uses advanced diathermy to generate a profound and controlled thermal effect on the muscle and joint tissues. This technique activates natural biological processes that boost a fast and efficient recovery after a sports injury or an intense physical effort.

Activation of vasodilation and microcirculation

During a  TecarEvolution session, the electric current acts upon the water molecules of the tissues, inducing a vibratory movement that produces endogenous heat. This latest generation technology offers multiple benefits: 


  • Stimulation of vasodilation:  Increases blood flow, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissues. This speeds up tissue repair and optimizes the recovery times.
  • Toxins and metabolic waste removal: The heat that is generated boosts lymphatic drainage, removing the residues accumulated during physical effort, thus reducing inflammation and improving muscle efficiency.

The effect of Capenergy on the muscles

Capenergy’s second generation radiofrequency acts directly on the muscles, achieving visible effects from the first session.

1.Profound cell stimulation 

The bipolar current inverts the water molecules inside the body, generating vibrations that generate an accumulative heat. This internal heat reaches high temperatures, activating the physiological processes necessary to repair the damaged tissue.

  • Activation of macrophages: removal of damaged tissues and metabolic residues. 

  • Stimulation of fibroblasts: they boost the production of type I and type II collagen, essential for the regeneration of the fascia. 

2. Improvement of the muscle’s baseline condition

Radiofrequency also stimulates an increased supply of calcium (Ca2+) to the muscle cells, restoring them to their optimal state, ready for a new physical effort. This effect: 

  • Rebalances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, reducing the athlete ‘s stress levels.  

  • Restoring the muscle performance to 100%, facilitating the return to competition in ideal circumstances.


Tratamiento de lesión deportiva con radiofrecuencia de segunda generación
Tratamiento de lesión deportiva con radiofrecuencia de segunda generación

Benefits of Capenergy radiofrequency for muscle recovery

Capenergy radiofrequency technology provides numerous benefits for the recovery of sports injuries, both acute or chronic. The main benefits are:

Shorter recovery periods

Athletes can recover faster after intense training or competitions. which allows them to reduce the rest periods and to return to activity in peak condition. By reducing inflammation and activating tissue recovery, the risk of muscular overcharge and relapses is significantly reduced.

Prevention of future injuries

Capenergy  does not only treat existing injuries, it also prevents new injuries, improving the quality of the muscle and fascia:  


  • Flexibilization of the muscle fascia: It generates high quality type I and type II collagen that strengthens and organizes the fascia layer. 
  • Optimized shock absorption: thanks to muscle recovery, the tissues better resist physical stress.

Painless and pleasant therapy

Treatment with Capenergy is completely painless, pleasant and non-invasive. It furthermore has a relaxing and analgesic effect that helps reduce the athlete ‘s physical and mental stress, enabling his integral recovery.

Less dependency on anti-inflammatory medication 

Many athletes turn to anti-inflammatory medication (AINES) for the relief of muscle pain, even though it has been proven they slow down the tissue repair processes. Capenergy radiofrequency offers a natural, fast and effective alternative, without secondary effects.


Advantages for physiotherapists and sports clinics

Capenergy’s second generation radiofrequency technology offers benefits for not only patients, but also for the health and physiotherapy professionals:

  1. Optimization of treatment times: Thanks to the possibility of working with more than one channel at the same time, the two lower members can be treated simultaneously or different body areas can be treated during the same session. 
  2. Fast and visible results: The efficient recovery from sports injuries increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Widened service offer:  Capenergy does not only allow treating muscle injuries, but also joint, tendinous or fascia issues, helping you establish your clinic as a reference in advanced sports rehabilitation.

What makes Capenergy different from conventional radiofrequency?

Traditional radiofrequency devices have a limited penetration capacity and energy delivery, making them less efficient for the treatment of profound or chronic injuries. Capenergy’s second generation radiofrequency, on the other hand, offers: 

  • More power and precision: More energy is delivered in a safe way, achieving an accumulative effect that repairs tissues at a deeper level.
  • Optimized recovery time: Tissue regeneration is accelerated, allowing the athlete to sooner return to activity. 
  • Simultaneous treatments:  Its innovative multi-channel system and automatic treatment mode allow covering several areas of the body during one and the same session.


Thanks to these advances, Capenergy positions itself as the most advanced radiofrequency technology for sports physiotherapy, optimizing the results and considerably reducing the athletes’ recovery time. 

If you want to know more about how Capenergy can help you speed up your patients’ recovery time and position your clinic as a reference for advanced physiotherapy, feel free to contact us for more information and request a free demo.

Why Capenergy accelerates the recovery from sports injuries
Nombre del artículo
Why Capenergy accelerates the recovery from sports injuries
Speed up the recovery from sports injuries with Capenergy second generation radiofrequency. Fast, efficient and safe results for your patients.